
The Next Step

Finally, we get to the next step. So, let me ask you again: what is the next step in your life? “If today were one of those days, if today you could take a step forward to transform your life as a martial artist or just as a human being (turn it around completely or as far as you want), what would that next step be?” Is it to work less, spend more time with family and friends, retire, travel more, do what you have always wanted to do, improve your health, exercise more, rest more, become better…, etc.? Any of these steps are fine and can make a small or big difference in your life; but to me, for your life from the existential standpoint, it is not enough. These steps may improve your life in certain aspects of it, but they will not transform your life and, definitely, they do not lead you to become the best version of yourself.

If you really look back, most of us have spent most of our lives on trivial activities like gathering knowledge, wealth, beauty, fame, possessions, and relationships; trying to be productive, good, and better than others; and living up to the expectations of society, fashion, parents, mentors, coaches and bosses. Society, religion, and culture have imposed tremendous pressure on us to be productive, efficient, good, and better and to amass more wealth, possessions, knowledge, fame, friendships; etc., all measured in quantities, and not on meaningfulness.

But in that process, we have forgotten to live, to exist. Most human beings are living but are dead! They died a long time ago. They have become robots. They are so busy that they forgot to just exist. They are dead alive! Is living like this worth it? You can see this everywhere right now. People are consumed by the mobile devices to mask the fact that they are afraid to be alone, silent, with no entertainment. The reality is that we are afraid to be alone with ourselves. We have taken life for granted. We have taken our bodies, minds, and almost absolutely everything for granted. As such, we have made conclusions and have ignored everything that we take for granted completely. In fact, we have become callused. We barely can see and feel anymore. We are just too consumed in our heads by overthinking. We are not living this creation; we are living in our heads. And that’s a shame!

Remember the conversation above about us versus the animals? Animals seem to have some sense of self-awareness, but they are fixed in terms of free will. Basically, they are driven by their instincts with very little leeway outside of that. But in these confines, with very little possibilities, they live and die to the max for what they were designed. We see this all around us in nature. They are happy just eating, sleeping, resting, playing and procreating.

Humans, on the other hand, have been blessed with two very important traits, self-awareness and free will, which are the gateways to individuality, to travel inwards, to introspect, to search and be inquisitive not only about ourselves, but also about our surroundings and our connection between us and everything. These traits make us unique, not special or better, and can let us do things that no other species can like transcending our biology, dictating our state of being, getting self-realized, becoming really free, and so much more. In other words, wouldn’t you want the next step to be a gate to “the best you can be,” to your max potential and infinite possibilities as a human being…to your true nature? It is here where the endless possibilities and max potential that I have been talking about so much previously reside! Each of you have them, but you must work hard to take advantage of them.

But our advanced mind, as powerful as it is, is also the thing that hunt us the most. Basically, it is working against us all the time. This is the reason why we suffer so much in this life. Because we do not know how to handle it. In fact, we do not really know how to handle most of ourselves, including our bodies, minds, emotions/feelings, and energies. For instance, when we eat, we are usually feeding our mind instead of our body; we live traumatized by the past and worried about the future instead of living in the present; we are always competing with each other instead of just working together for a common goal; we always want more instead of being grateful for what we have; we act and behave depending on the pressures put on us by others instead of just acting and behaving according to our own nature; we are usually looking for entertainment and pleasure to escape reality instead of living this reality as it is; etc.; etc.

Do you really want to continue living like this? To me, it is simple! Just answer these two questions: What do you really own? And what can you take with you when you die? The answer to these questions should shake you up, if you answer them honestly and look at them from the existential standpoint. Although most of us know the answers or can deduct the answers, they can be blunt and shocking if we really pay attention to their message. Unfortunately, we have decided to ignore them all of our lives. The truth is that we do not own anything; that we are just borrowing absolutely everything temporarily, including our family, friends, possessions, knowledge, fame, beauty, etc.; and that we cannot take anything with us when we leave. Nothing! Only our experiences…what we have learned.

If this is true, then shouldn’t the next step be to wake up, reevaluate your life and make some life changing decisions that will make a difference in your life, the lives of everyone around you, and the world. Do you really want to wait for something traumatic or death to happen in order to realize that this world is designed to keep you busy and entertained so you do not think, so you do not question yourself and/or the establishment and so you do not look at your priorities and ask yourself: what the hell have I been doing? And for what? Is it worth it?

Your next step, if you choose to do this, should be to start moving from the outside to the inside, a journey or process to get back in touch with the real you, a journey in and within. A journey where you start destroying who you think you are and start creating a new you based on a completely new paradigm. In other words, we have been blinded by, and have been living completely influenced by, our environment: our own education, knowledge, beliefs, identifications, values, judgements and prejudices. It is time to destroy all these and recreate ourselves anew where we live more consciously, where our minds are calmer, where our emotions are on check, where we live in the now, where we work constantly on ourselves to be the best version of ourselves, and where we do not simply believe but question and experience everything.

For that, we must detach from everything and simply let go. But for most people, the concept of letting go can be hard to understand and, even worse, to put into practice. Letting go is basically the art or practice of opening the mind, heart and hands and letting everything go. It is about unclogging the way you think and live, simplifying life one step at a time. Simple! It is usually a spiritual (yogic or religious) concept or practice in which you are subtracting more than adding and where you are shedding and letting go of ideas, possessions, knowledge, control, fear, the past, etc. as you go, little by little, day by day. Letting go is a daily, constant practice of getting rid of and detaching from everything you think you want, need and/or own!

It is not necessarily that you do not own anything and live in poverty. To the contrary, it is the practice of putting space between you and (distance yourself from) what you own, or think you own, including your body, mind, knowledge, money, possessions, relationships, fear, control, the past, etc. This concept of letting go is not easy when we have been educated to add more, to want more, and to not subtract; when today’s culture is a “me-centric” culture based on consumption, waste and proliferation where you are at the center of the universe and everyone and everything is around for you to use; and when we actually understand very little about our complex mental, psychological, and emotional structures that make us who we are.

In summary, most of us cannot let go because we are continuously resisting, because we are unable to accept what is. We are not accepting who we are but are creating who we think we are. We are also not accepting our existence but are creating (with the help of education, culture, propaganda, identifications, etc.) this sometimes not very meaningful life based on, basically, survival. Unfortunately, the result is a mind-created persona filled with fear and misunderstanding, that spends the entire life in the pursuit of sometimes trivial and meaningless goals. The truth is that most human beings are just living a completely biological life where you are born, get some education, work, have a family, grow old and die.

There is nothing wrong with this, but from the existential standpoint, we and our lives can be tremendously more than this. We can be an infinite life with boundless possibilities and potential. To do so, we need to stop resisting and start letting go by embracing inclusiveness without possession and by using tools like love, gratitude, forgiveness, compassion, empathy and humility. Bliss, wisdom and freedom do not come through possession but rather through our capacity to open our hearts, minds, and hands; to learn to love more fully; to let go; and to be more humble, kind and compassionate. Remember, we are not staying here forever. So, let go of as much as you can, as we are merely travelers just passing through!

The Final Message

Finally, for the martial artists and the athletes, whether you are active or not, you are spending, or have spent, years practicing, learning how to control and manage mainly your body and secondarily your mind, challenging yourself to be your best version of yourselves. Are you going to stop right at this point and stay simply in your physicality? Is practicing and/or teaching all you ever wanted? Isn’t that passion for something better still burning deeply inside? You already have the tools necessary to succeed in life: self-discipline, self-control, hard work, perseverance, and passion. Taking that next step is just a given, is a continuation of what you have been doing, is your last step and final level, and is what you have really been longing for all of these years, but you did not know or realize it, or you simply ignored it. This is your chance!

For everyone, whether you are a martial artist, an athlete or not, it doesn’t matter where you are or what you have done. If you are ready, take a leap of faith and jump into the unknown, work on transcending your biology with tools like meditation, contemplation, and introspection; traveling inwards; and not just believing but experiencing things. Believing is not going to take you anywhere because you will be fighting against everything else, including your own nature. For the first time in your life, learn to manage, not control, your physical, mental, emotional and energetic bodies; tame your ego and your mind; let go; accept what is; question everything and learn to say “I do not know” because “the moment you realize, ‘I do not know,’ the longing, the seeking, and the possibility of knowing become a living reality,” says Sadhguru. This is your next step; this is where your max potential is, and this is where your endless possibilities are!

The only way out is to go in! This should be your next step! Now, just do it!

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Author: Maurice Correa


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