
Every single day we are confronted with making decisions about things like our health, finances, family, work, relationships, etc. that might make small changes in our lives; but only a handful of times in our lifetime, are we confronted with having to make big, life changing decisions. If today were one of those days, if today you could take a step forward to transform your life as a martial artist or just as a human being (turn it around completely or as far as you want), what would that next step be? This document will address this and many other questions that can help you start the path to change or, even better, transform your life. Wouldn’t you want that next step forward to be towards finding your full potential?

Diving Deeper

Let’s start this discussion by diving deeper into the introductory paragraph and by taking a look at our lives up to this point, up to now, regardless of age. The introductory paragraph says: “Every single day we are confronted with making decisions about things like our health, finances, family, work, relationships, etc. that might make small changes in our lives.” And, yes, you could say that each of these decisions is a grain of sand in the mountain that you are experiencing called life; that singularly, they usually are small and not life changing; but that collectively, they can build you up or tear you down depending on your decisions.

Let’s look at this concept with an analogy. Think that every decision that you make is a dot in a picture. When you look at a single dot, it does not mean much and does not make much sense either. However, when you look at all the dots at the same time, you can see a picture. In your case, it is a picture of yourself at that precise moment in time. So, basically, the resulting picture at any time is the sum of the decisions up to that moment in time. This is why the picture at 20, 30, 40, etc. of years old may be completely different than the previous pictures.

You, your life, is just the result of all the decisions you have made up until that moment like in the picture. For most people, if they are doing well, it is because they have made certain types of decisions; and if they are not doing well, it is because they have made some other types of decisions. In other words, we are the product of all our decisions and decisions are the product of perception! Therefore, we could confidently say that each of us is the author of our own reality and is painting our own picture every single second with every single thought, word, action and emotion that we experience! So, life as we are experiencing it is just a manifestation or a reflection of how we think and feel! Isn’t this powerful? We are the authors of our own life every second depending on how we perceive!

The Alarm

But the alarm usually goes off only a handful of times in our lifetime when we are confronted with having to make big, life changing decisions. I am not talking about having a surgery, buying a house, getting married, having a child, or changing jobs. Although some of these might be big decisions, I am not talking about these decisions but about the ones that we might have to make when something catastrophic or, in some cases, magnificent happens in our lives like a critical accident or illness, a financial disaster, the birth of a child, the end of an important relationship, a death, etc. Something that shakes us up and makes us reevaluate our priorities and our lives; something that takes us out of our secure comfort zone where we live and puts us in the center of our existence; and something that pushes us out of the spinning wheel (like a little hamster on its wheel), allows us to see and reevaluate whom we are and what we have been doing, and makes us question absolutely everything.

So, let’s go back to the introductory paragraph again, which says: “If today were one of those days, if today you could take a step forward to transform your life as a martial artist or just as a human being (turn it around completely or as far as you want), what would that next step be?” The purpose of this document is exactly that: to point you in the direction where your next step should be, to be an alarm, to shake you up hard, and to send you a loud and clear message that you have “infinite possibilities and potential,” but you must wake up and do something about it. That’s what I mean with “the next step” and that’s the main argument in this paper!

This means that you must reevaluate your life and change it or transform it. What do I mean by changing or transforming your life? Change means that you would just make some changes to your life. You will continue being who you are but make some adjustments. Transform, on the other hand, means that you will destroy who you think you are and will put yourself back anew. You will die, will be reborn anew while you are alive, and will not wait until death do that to you automatically.

This wakeup call is for you to question what you have been doing, who you think you are, and what you think your potential and possibilities are without the need of a special or traumatic experience. In that way, you can make decisions today or any time you are ready in the future, but at least now or then, you are, or will be, aware of the “CHANCE” you have. Unfortunately, today after this chat and even after having one or more of these traumatic experiences, most people just go back to what they were, what is comfortable and safe for them, what they know. And that’s completely fine! No judgement here!

But for those that get the message, for those that the light bulb lights up, taking this next step, awakening, can be one of the most transformative moments in their lives. It can be the beginning of a new life and a new paradigm where self-growth, love, gratitude, forgiveness and happiness are at the foremost; where the path is not towards the outside but the inside; where all limitations and boundaries are destroyed and where new understandings, possibilities and your full potential are possible. Only then, your life will have real meaning because it is at this turning point where you are aligned for what you were really designed for, your true nature.

Some of you might probably respond immediately by saying that you are fine and do not need to reevaluate and change or transform your lives if you are doing fine so far. For most people, doing well or fine is just an illusion. Why an illusion? Because it is just a temporary state, a ticking bomb waiting to explode. If you are healthy, your finances are fine, your family is well, you are successful, etc., you might think you are fine and happy. But none of these things are permanent. In fact, they are completely impermanent. They do not last long. And then, when one or more aspects of your life are not going the way you want, will you be fine at that moment? Even if you stay fine all your life, which is almost impossible, wouldn’t you want to get out of what you know and take a leap of faith into the unknown, into exploring your full potential and endless possibilities? Only then, you will have the possibility to experience something that is not possible any other way! 

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Author: Maurice Correa


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