Subscribe The Next Step Finally, we get to the next step. So, let me ask you again: what is the next step in your life? “If today were one of those days, if today you could take a step forward to transform your life as a martial artist or just as a human being (turn it around completely or as far as you want), what would that next step be?” Is it to work less, spend more time with family and friends, retire, travel more, do what you have always wanted to do, improve your health, exercise more, rest more, become better…, etc.? Any of these steps are fine and can make a small or big difference in your life; but to me, for your life from the existential standpoint, it is not enough. These steps may improve your life in certain aspects of it, but they will not transform your life and, definitely, they do not lead you to become the best version of yourself. If you really look back, most of us have spent most of our lives on trivial activities like gathering knowledge, wealth, beau